What is Christmas with No Snow?

A Christmas in Houston, Tx that’s what!

Well you can have a snowy Christmas by coming and seeing White Christmas at Theatre Under the Stars!

You can get your tickets by clicking HERE.

Enjoy the rehearsal clip from last week. I think you’ll be able to spot me…!

Let me know when you’re seeing the show!


I’m thankful for…


-a home cooked thanksgiving dinner

-my dogs


-my camera

-buttery popcorn


-the opportunity I have to go to work and do what I love

-good music

-friends near and far, new and old

-fuzzy socks on a cold morning

-the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

-hot chocolate


-epson salt baths

-good conversations

-pandora christmas stations

-being home for the holidays this year.



A Part of Me

Being a part of a new cast. A new company of so many successful and talented individuals, who day after day I have the opportunity to know and work with.

Meeting new people has always been something I enjoy, especially theatre people. Growing up I didn’t know many people who could “speak my language” (theatre lingo) so to be surrounded by people in the biz is so fun for me. I try to hide what a huge MT geek I am, but usually it shows and most people don’t care!

I feel like some first impressions of me are:

1) I sing all the time! I pretty much have a song for any word. It can get annoying so I’m told but I really can’t help myself so… get used to it!

2) My eyes are squinty, I have incredibly long legs (36 inch inseam) and if you’re a dancer you’ll notice my lovely feet (my 2nd best feature in my opinion.)

3) People always think I’m older than I actually am, though most of the time they aren’t too surprised when they find out I’m 19. Lately I’m told I look like I’m in my mid-late 20s. When I was 5 years old, upon someone asking my age I would respond, “I eight.”

For the last two and a half years though, something that usually comes up if you get to know me well is June 3rd. That day affects me greatly and when you’re getting to know me you ought to know how important it is to me. I’ve learned so much about myself, others, grief, happiness, and pretty much everything else there is in life. I’ve never lost a friend other than Makenzie. I never knew true sadness until then. About once a month these days, I have a sudden urge to see her face or hear her voice. Sometimes I wish I could remember those last moments with her. If I had only known they would be the last… And that right there has changed me as a person completely. I hate quarreling and contention ’cause you never know what’s going to happen in the next second. That doesn’t mean I live every moment in fear… It’s just that I try to make each opportunity and experience the best and happiest it can be. And that is part of me.

olive oil,


Let Yourself Go, Relax

Day 2 of WC and I’m loving this cast and crew! Finished the opening number today. Lots and lots of fun.

Get your tickets now because I hear they’re flying! December 6th-18th. Click here for tickets.

Now I have two Youtube vids for you today. The first is the Red Queen dance from Christopher Wheeldon’s production of Alice in Wonderland, commissioned by The Royal Ballet. Beyond clever and perfectly performed! (Thanks to Jen for sharing.)

After watching that video I continued to watch every video of the production on Youtube. One of the most unique parts of the production is that the Mad Hatter was a tap role. Partnering Principal, Steven McRae’s superb ballet technique with his incredible tap skills was just perfect for the role. Than I got watching the few vids of McRae tapping on Youtube and I’m thoroughly impressed. It’s not every day you see a ballet dancer of that caliber doing his pullbacks just as exquisitely as his fouettes.

I love good Youtube finds!

love and laducas,


Try saying “Clothed Much”

It’s hard, right?

Dressing up is easily one of my favorite things to do. I don’t really need an occasion to get cute. I just love planning outfits, figuring out what lipstick to wear, and so on. Growing up, I was always that little girl who pretended to be Ann Margaret in Bye Bye Birdie when getting dressed everyday (if you haven’t seen that movie then shame on you.) I feel like what you wear says a lot about a person, so I always make an effort to try to look my best, even on days when I don’t feel like it.

I’m also very passionate about cute, modest fashion. Its so sad to see young girls and woman who feel like they have to dress like floozie to receive attention. That only shows that they really have no grasp on their self worth and confidence. The same can be said about girls who don’t put any care in their appearance at all. I truly believe that in putting 5-10 minutes into planning your outfit a day, the respect of the people around you will increase as well as your love for yourself.

Now getting to the point of this whole blog… CLOTHED MUCH! I found this modest fashion blog two(ish) weeks ago and am beyond beyond obsessed with it. Elaine of Clothed Much is my my fashion role model. I feel like her style would look good on pretty much any body type. It’s fun, modest, cute, sometimes casual, sometimes dressy, unique, easy, smart, hip, comfortable… someone stop me. I could go on and on… Each day I model my outfit after one of hers! (And the fact that she’s LDS totally rocks my world!)

My parting words to can be summarized in these 4 bullet points:

•You don’t need a special occasion to get dolled up. Smack on your favorite pair of heels, lipstick, dress- whatever! You deserve to feel special everyday!

•Ladies- on the first date, don’t feel like you have to “look cute” without looking like you’re “trying too hard.” Let him see the real you from the begining. Don’t try to be the girl he wants you to look like. Never sacrifice your fashion sense for a man. What do they know?!

•Modest is hottest.

•Go check out Elaine at Clothed Much!


…oh and on a theatrical fashion note, Friends Don’t Let Friends Wear Hooves. JUST SAY NO!

love and laducas,


Her Quotes

Over on the right of this blog, under “Be Still My Heart” is a fantastic blog called “Her Quotes.” Wanted to share a few favorites of mine from her blog.

“It’s the only time I feel like me, she said, & everyone else just thinks it’s dress up.”

-Brian Andreas

“Write what disturbs you, what you fear, what you have not been willing to speak about. Be willing to be split open.”

-Natalie Goldberg

“There are only two kinds of people in this world. The realists and the dreamers. The realists know where they are going and the dreamers have already been there.”

–Robert Orben

“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.”

–The White Rabbit, ‘Alice In Wonderland’

“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful – that will be my life.”
–E. D. W.

“Bad taste bothers me.”

–Giorgio Armani

“This was an industry that once thrived on exposure. Today I find that the most interesting people are hidden.”

–Zac Efron

“She remembered something a woman in Paris had told her once. A woman in her forties, much married, elegant, a little world-weary. ‘There is nothing easier in this world,’ this woman had claimed, ‘than getting a man to kiss you.’ ‘Oh really?’ Eva had said, ‘so how do you do that?’ ‘Just stand close to a man,’ the woman had said, ‘very close, as close as you can without touching – he will kiss you in one minute or two. It’s inevitable. For them it’s like an instinct – they can’t resist. Infallible.”

–William Boyd

“I will love you if you don’t marry me. I will love you if you marry someone else, your co-star, perhaps, or Y., or even O., or anyone Z. through A., even R. Although sadly I believe it will be quite some time before two women can be allowed to marry and I will love you if you have a child, and I will love you if you have two children, or three children, or even more, although I personally think three is plenty, and I will love you if you never marry at all, and never have children, and spend your years wishing you had married me after all, and I must say that on late, cold nights I prefer this scenario out of all the scenarios I have mentioned. That, Beatrice, is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way.”
–Lemony Snicket, ‘The Beatrice Letters’

“You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.”

–William Shakespeare

Check out Her Quotes!
